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Ice Hunt Page 43


  “Either she comes or I don’t go back. And if I don’t return as ordered, Petkov will blow the vault.”

  Shaking his head, Craig waved off one of the men. “Fine, but she’s safer out here.”

  Matt didn’t respond. For better or worse, they were sticking together. Jenny gave his hand a final squeeze and held out an open palm for a pistol.

  One of the soldiers passed her his sidearm. Matt had to guide Jenny’s hand to her holster. As angry as she was, she might just shoot Craig where he stood.

  Once ready, they set off toward the station. Matt pulled the boy up in his arms. Maki stared over at Jenny, his small eyes haunted. They trudged through the blasted opening and down the tunnel again. The warmth of the station breathed out at them.

  Matt wondered if Petkov was prepared. The Russian admiral had been vague about his plans. Get Craig inside was his mission objective. Petkov would do the rest. But what could the admiral hope to do? The Russian contingent was outnumbered and outgunned.

  Matt led the way onto Level One. The lights were back on. Someone must have found spare fuses and powered up the level. The place was too bright. The blood on the floor stood out garishly. Bodies lined one wall. The tables had been pushed away.

  In the center of the room, Petkov stood by the spiral stair. The elevator had been raised from below. The Russian admiral stood with one foot on the elevated platform.

  “Welcome,” he said coldly.

  Petkov stepped onto the platform. He shared the space with a strange device. It was a titanium globe on a tripod. A small series of blue lights raced across the sphere’s equator. Though it was unmarked, it had bomb written all over it.

  Matt had a sudden sinking feeling that his newfound ally in this war between superpowers had not been as forthcoming as he would have wished. What game was being played now?

  Behind Matt, footsteps suddenly pounded. He swung around. Another five Delta Force soldiers raced into the room, fanning out. It seemed neither side was going to honor the truce.

  Matt shouldn’t have been surprised, but he was.

  Petkov remained stoic, unreadable. He continued to stand on the elevator stand. “You risk your mission,” he finally said. “On my word or death, the samples will be destroyed.”

  Craig strode up beside Matt. He picked Maki out of his arms, earning a startled yelp from the boy. “This is all I need,” he said, holding the boy aloft. “An issledovatelskiy subyekt. A research subject. Jenny here was kind enough to read more of your father’s journal while en route here. It seems the hormone remains active in a revived specimen for a full week. Between his notes and the boy, we will distill the hormone on our own. What you hold is worthless. But I’ll still make an offer. Your life in exchange for the samples you hold. The offer will last for exactly one minute.”

  “Thank you for your gracious offer,” Petkov said, “but I won’t need the minute.”

  The explosion rocked the level, bucking the floor and tossing them all skyward. Smoke rolled out from behind them. Matt landed in a pile beside Jenny. He twisted around.

  The exit to the surface was gone. A tumble of broken ice blocked the way, caved in, spilling out onto this level. He rolled to his feet, ears ringing. Craig and what was left of the Delta Force team picked themselves off the floor. Two men were dead, crushed by falling ice near the shaft.

  Lights flickered. Smoke set everyone to coughing.

  Matt searched the central staircase. Petkov was gone, having fled down the staircase. Matt glanced between Craig and the vanished Russian. He was trapped between two madmen, buried with them.

  He stared across to the titanium sphere resting on the elevator platform. The blue flashing lights raced around and around the device.

  This was not going to end well.

  8:15 P.M.


  Aboard the Polar Sentinel, Amanda crouched beside Captain Greg Perry. Together they studied the monitor of the sub’s DeepEye sonar. Others gathered behind them, some watching the screen, others staring out the Lexan eye of the sub.

  Greg rested a hand on her knee. He was clearly not letting her out of his reach…and she was fine with this arrangement.

  Half an hour ago, back at Omega, she had been in full panic. She had struggled to raise the alarm among the others—about the deceit planned by the Delta Force leaders and of the nerve-jangling sonar frequency, indicating the presence of grendels. But it hadn’t been grendels. It had been the Polar Sentinel activating its DeepEye sonar.

  Before she could even get Commander Sewell’s attention, the double doors to the barracks had popped open and Greg had rushed into the room with a small squad. He had ordered everyone to remain quiet.

  Too shocked by the miracle, Amanda had flown into his arms. Ignoring decorum, he had pulled her to him, kissed her, and whispered that he loved her.

  Together, they had waited until the Delta Force helicopter lifted off. Then they were all running. With Greg in the lead, they raced through the shadows to the oceanography shack. Inside, Amanda found a strange sight. Thrust up within the lab’s main research room stood the conning tower of the Polar Sentinel. The sub had surfaced its tower through the square hole cut in the ice. The small port was normally used by the oceanographers to raise and lower their two-man bathysphere. But now it serviced the sub’s tower, the proverbial square peg in a round hole.

  With time ticking down, the party had fled into the submarine.

  As soon as all were aboard, Greg had ordered the submarine to crash-dive. The Polar Sentinal fell away like a brick. They were at forty fathoms when the Russian V-class incendiaries blew off the top of their world.

  Amanda had been in Cyclops at the time. She had witnessed the blinding flash, the impossible sight of flames shooting down through the water. The submarine had been rocked, shoved deep, but with the insulation of almost three hundred feet of water, they had survived, no more than rattled.

  Greg had then related her father’s frantic VLF message, his warning about the ultimate mission of the Delta strike team. “I was already here, planning a rescue attempt under the Russians’ noses. I never imagined that I’d have to rescue you from our own forces.” This last was spoken bitterly.

  He had also shared the news about her father’s medical condition. A heart attack. But he was recovering well in the naval hospital on Oahu. “Even before he’d let them treat him, he insisted the warning be sent first.”

  The timing had saved them.

  Now once again, the Polar Sentinel spied from below. This time the submarine hovered beside the inverted mountain of ice that hid Ice Station Grendel. Through the DeepEye’s penetrating sonar, they had watched the assault upon the buried station. It was eerie watching the silent play unfold on the screen, the ghostly images of men and gunfire.

  Then the explosion erupted, appearing as a wash of yellow on the monitor.

  It slowly cleared.

  Greg squeezed her knee, indicating he wanted to speak to her. She turned and looked at him. “I don’t know what we can do to help,” he said. “It looks like the entrance collapsed. They’re trapped in there.”

  Over Greg’s shoulder, a figure stirred, moving forward. “Jenny.” It was the woman’s father. He pointed to the screen and tapped one of the phantoms, the form billowy from the sonar. “That’s my daughter.”

  Amanda glanced back to him. “Are you sure?”

  He leaned forward and ran his finger down the figure’s lower half. “She broke her leg when she was twenty-two. They had to pin it back together.”

  Amanda focused the DeepEye slightly. The old man could be right. The penetrating sonar was similar to X rays. And there appeared to be a distinct metallic density in the lower extremities. It could be her.

  She turned to John and read the raw fear in his face. He knew it was his daughter. Amanda struggled to think of some other way to rescue Jenny and any other folk trapped between the two forces.

  Greg pointed to th
e monitor. Throughout the upper levels of the station, spats of yellow appeared on the monitor. She didn’t have to read his lips to know what it was. Gunfire.

  A large flare of amber flashed midlevel in the station.

  She turned to him.

  “Grenade,” he mouthed.

  She turned back as flashes and flares continued to descend into the depths of the station.

  It was all out-war.

  8:22 P.M.


  Another grenade exploded, rocking the floor under Jenny. In her arms, she held the Inuit boy. He screamed and sobbed, covering his ears, squeezing his eyes tightly closed. She rocked him as she crouched.

  Matt hovered over them both, a rifle in his hand.

  Screams and shouts wafted up the central shaft, along with billows of smoke and soot. Fires were raging somewhere below. Most of the base was steel, brass, and copper. But a significant part of its infrastructure was straw and flammable composites.

  It was burning.

  Even if the Delta Force team could commandeer the station, what then? They would either die in flames or be buried in the ice as the station collapsed.

  And then there was always the third possibility.

  Hovering amid the column of smoke, the large titanium sphere rested on the elevator platform. One of the soldiers, a demolition expert, knelt in front of an open hatch at the bottom of the sphere. He had been studying it for the past ten minutes, tools spread at his knees, untouched. It was not a good sign.

  Craig barked at her shoulder as the gunfire ebbed below. He was yelling into his radio while he surveyed the level. Two other Delta Force soldiers held positions by the shaft. The remainder of the squad continued its guerrilla war down below.

  Lowering his throat mike, Craig stepped to them. He eyed the collapsed exit. “There’s no way for the few men left above to dig us out. It would take days. Any attempt to blast a way through with a missile would just get us all killed.”

  “So what are they going to do?”

  Craig closed his eyes, then opened them. He stared over to the bomb. “I ordered them to stand down, to retreat thirty miles off. I can’t risk losing the journals.”

  “Thirty miles?” Matt asked. “Isn’t that overkill?”

  Craig nodded to the device being examined over the shaft. “It’s nuclear. That’s as much as Sergeant Conrad can tell us right now. Unless we can deactivate it…” He shrugged.

  Jenny had to give the guy credit. He was one cold fish. Even in their current straits, his mission was his first priority.

  Matt continued to watch over them, eyes sweeping all around. “The shooting…I think it’s slowing…”

  Jenny realized he was right. She cradled the boy. The gunfire had died to sporadic bursts.

  Over by the central shaft, the two guards stirred. One yelled back to them. “Friendlies coming up!”

  A pair of Delta Force team members clambered up the steps. They led a Russian soldier, hands on top of his head, at gunpoint. A young man, no older than eighteen, he blinked at the blood that ran down his face. Soot covered his clothes.

  One of his captors snapped at him in Russian. He dropped to his knees. The other came to report to Craig. “They’re surrendering. We’ve another two prisoners on Level Three.”

  “And the others?”

  “Dead.” The soldier glanced back to the stairwell. The gunfire had ended. “We cleared all the tiers, except for Level Four. Men are sweeping it now.”

  “What about Admiral Petkov?” Matt asked.

  The man nudged the prisoner. Weak with terror and loss of blood, he fell on his side, afraid even to lower his hands to catch himself. “He says that the admiral fled into Level Four. But so far, we’ve not found him. The prisoner might be lying. He may need a little encouragement.”

  Before the matter could be addressed, Sergeant Conrad approached from his examination of the nuclear bomb.

  Craig turned his full attention toward the man. “Well?”

  The soldier shook his head. “It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen. As far as I can tell, it’s a low-yield nuclear device. Minimal radiation risk. But it’s certainly no standard bomb. I’m guessing more of a disrupter of some type. Like the EM-pulse weapons under development. The explosive capability is small for a nuclear weapon, but its energy could generate a massive pulse. But I don’t think it’s an electromagnetic pulse. Something else. I don’t know what.”

  Matt interrupted his report. “You said the explosion would be small. That’s the part I want to know about. How small?”

  He was answered with a shrug. “Small for a nuclear device. But it’ll crack this island like a hard-boiled egg. If it blows, we’re all dead, no matter what pulse it sends out.”

  “Can you deactivate it?”

  The sergeant shook his head. “The trigger is based on subsonics. It’s tied to an external detonator. Unless we can get the abort code to turn this thing off, this baby’s going to blow in”—he checked his watch—“in fifty-five minutes.”

  Craig rubbed his left temple. “Then we need to find the admiral. He’s our only chance.” His gaze settled on the frightened youth at his feet. He nodded to the soldier who had kicked the man. “Find out what he knows.”

  The prisoner must have understood. He babbled in Russian, terrified, his hands still on his head.

  Matt stepped between the prisoner and the soldier. “Don’t bother. I can find Petkov. I know where he must be holed up.”

  Craig turned to him. “Where?”

  “Down on Level Four. I’ll have to show you.”

  Craig narrowed his eyes, glancing between the youth and the shaft. “All right. I doubt this fellow knows anything anyway.” He pulled out his pistol and shot the man in the head.

  The retort was loud in the silent station. Skull, brains, and blood splattered across the floor.

  “Jesus Christ!” Matt yelled, stumbling back as the blast echo died. “Why did you do that?”

  Craig’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t play me for a fool, Matt. You know why.” He headed toward the shaft, waving for a pair of soldiers to flank him. “It’s either us or them. Pick sides and let’s go.”

  Matt remained frozen but stared toward Jenny, who had twisted from the body, shielding the boy.

  The gunshot had sent the boy into another bout of wailing. Jenny held him tightly.

  Matt stepped over and leaned down, hugging them both. “Go,” she whispered, defying her own heart’s desire. She wanted him to stay with them. “But watch your back.”

  A small nod. He understood her. The biggest danger right now was the bomb. Once that was nullified, they’d find some way to survive both the Russians and the Delta Force strike team.

  Matt stood, shouldering his rifle.

  Jenny closed her eyes, not wanting to see him leave. But as he stepped away, she opened her eyes. She watched his every movement: the set of his shoulders, the length of his stride. She drank him in, not knowing if she’d ever see him again, regretting the waste of bitter years.

  Then they were gone. Two guards watched the shaft. Otherwise she was alone with the gently sobbing boy. She comforted him, as she had not been able to comfort Tyler. She ran fingers through his hair, whispered wordless sounds to soothe.

  Across the way, the two guards by the stairs talked softly together. There was no more gunfire, no more explosions. Smoke still hazed the level. Through the oily fog, the lone beacon still shone, beating like a titanium heart, counting down.

  As she cradled the boy, a voice whispered behind her, ghostly and vague. She was not even sure she heard it. Then her name was spoken.

  “Jenny…can you hear me?”

  She cautiously glanced behind her. She did not recognize the voice. It came from an overturned set of electronics.

  “Jenny, it’s Captain Perry of the Polar Sentinel .”

  8:32 P.M.


  Perry stood in the communication shack by the bridge. He
spoke into the UQC underwater telephone. “If you can hear me, move toward the sound of my voice.”

  As he waited, he switched to the shipboard intercom. He hailed the Cyclops chamber. “John, can Amanda see Jenny on the monitor? Is your daughter responding?”

  A short pause, then an answer came through. “Yes!” He heard a father’s hope in the man’s voice.

  For the past five minutes, they had waited, spying with the DeepEye until Jenny was alone. Earlier, Perry had eavesdropped on communication between the station and the Drakon through the underwater phone. He had hoped the rubber landline that draped into the ocean had not been severed by the blast.

  “Jenny, we can see you with our sonar. Is there any way you can transmit? There should be a receiver. Just like an old-fashioned phone. If you find it, simply talk into it.”

  Perry waited, praying. He didn’t know what help they could offer, but he needed to know the situation in the station to formulate a plan.

  The line remained quiet.

  C’mon…we need some break. A bit of luck.

  The silence stretched.

  8:33 P.M.


  Jenny clutched the telephone receiver in her hand. Tears of frustration welled in her eyes. The cord was cut. There was no way to communicate out. She wanted to bang the handset on the ground in frustration. Instead she simply set it down.

  So far the two guards remained busy with their own discussion. She kept one arm around little Maki, not wanting to attract attention.

  The captain’s voice returned. “There must be a problem at your end. But we’re monitoring all means of communication coming from the station. We have all our ears up. You simply need to find a radio of any sort. Even a walkie-talkie. Our ears are very good out here. Get to it. But don’t let any of the Delta team see you.”

  Jenny closed her eyes.

  “Just know we’re watching you. We’ll do what we can to help.”

  She listened to his confidence, but it shed from her like water off a seal’s fur. Even if she could reach a radio, what good would it do? How could they help?

  She stared at the blue lights circling around and around the titanium sphere. A sense of despair and hopelessness settled over her. She was too tired to fight any longer. She had been up almost two days straight. The constant terror and tension had burned all substance from her. She felt hollow and empty.